Building Exclusive region from error log ?

A forum on data recovery using the professional data recovery software R-STUDIO.

Building Exclusive region from error log ?

Post by Azhor » Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:56 am

I came across a broken hard drive that has many disseminated bad sectors.
When trying to make an image to work with, R-Studio log a lot of bad sectors (but not all) than fail to make image (Error ).
I suspect that it's the disk-controller combo that gives up after to many errors..
So I started to create an exclusive regions list but adding them manualy is extremly fastidious when they are so many non contiguous bad sectors..
Since scripting is not a problem for me, I thought that I can parse log file and build exclusive regions list from it.
But I could'nt find any file that store exclusive regions list in your application config dirs.. ?!
Can you tell me where they are stored (if it's not in RAM only) ?
Since R-Studio logs all these bads sectors, it would be very useful to have a function to "make exclusive region from bad sector log".


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Re: Building Exclusive region from error log ?

Post by Alt » Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:53 am

Well, probably the best idea is to fill the bad sectors with a predefined pattern. See R-Studio's help for details: Bad Sectors.


Re: Building Exclusive region from error log ?

Post by Azhor » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:34 am

Thanks for your answer but I can't figure how filling them with a pattern could make them excluded from further analysis or image creation ?

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